
School Pfingstweid Zurich

Object: Pfingstweid School, Pfingstweidstrasse 61, 8005 Zurich
Client: Immobilien Stadt Zürich
Architecture: Baumann Roserens Architekten AG, Zurich
Facade planning and construction of the aluminum facade: 4B AG, Hochdorf
Facade planning and construction of the wooden facade: Holzbaubüro Reusser GmbH, Winterthur
Completion: 2019
Pictures: © LOSYS GMBH / 4B AG; BWB Surface Technology

BWB finish: stain - in matt effect E6
BWB process: BWB-Colinal 3115 (facade); BWB-Bausilber 2 (exterior window), formerly Bausilber 7

#Architecture #Colinal #Sanodal #Zurich 

Double-thought Pfingstweid Schoolhouse

With education, culture, business, and housing, today’s District 5 has become a vibrant, mixed-use, and dense neighborhood and continues to grow. Two new primary school buildings have been opened in 2019. The Pfingstweid school building presents itself with two different faces: on the street side, it has an aluminium post-and-beam façade, while on the south side, the building is characterized by the extensive use of larch wood.

Larch wood and anodised aluminium facade

Schoolrooms, noise-sensitive rooms and the break area face the park, while corridors and indirect ventilation ducts shield against Pfingstweidstrasse. The school building, which is over 100m long and slightly bent, takes up the materialization of the surrounding industrial buildings on the street and front sides. Gold anodised window profiles specifically stand out against the aluminium facade in warm Colinal colour.

Towards Pfingstweidpark, the building shows its second face: here, the facade consists of two superimposed arbors in larch wood cladding. On the first floor, the window front made of anodised aluminium in BWB Building Silver acts as a connecting element of both facades.
Bottom line: what an exciting realization of materials and alignment.

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