
How do we stay young and attractive?

How do we remain an attractive employer for prospective and existing specialists? How do we build a bridge between experienced and young employees? How will we train in the future? Companies are increasingly asking themselves these questions.

#Anodising #Competence in aluminium #Electroplating #News 

Ansprechperson Beitrag

Monika Schuler

Business Development


BWB Surface Technology also deals with these topics. BWB offers apprenticeships in five different professions at the anodising plant in Stans-Oberdorf, and apprentices are also trained at BWB’s plants in Dresden, Rudolfstetten, Safnern and Altenrhein. Paolo graduated this summer as a mechanical trainee EBA and is looking forward to the “real” world of work at a partner company in line and apparatus engineering: “In future, I’ll mostly be out and about assembling for customers and working on new solutions. You’ll probably meet me again soon in one of the BWB anodising or electroplating plants.

BWB wants to achieve more in training. "We are creating more space for training, pursuing fresh approaches and trying out new ideas. The aim is to remain young and attractive for young people and for ourselves," explains Managing Director Valeria Züger. The training system works thanks to a great deal of dedication and care. However, a high level of commitment is no guarantee of success: some learners drop out early or only just make it through. BWB is now launching a pilot project with a former professional athlete as a coach. It is there to advise young people in the company on all matters. As a listener, motivator and bridge builder, the counselor provides support in learning, in mental areas, e.g. stress management, and works holistically for the young people. The new coaching project focuses on the training teams and takes a detached perspective. BWB supports all those involved with openness and vigor.

The new learners will assess how the coaching is received. In August, four young people will start their training at BWB Surface Technology: as a surface technician EBA, as a mechanical technician EBA, as a surface coater EFZ and in an internship as part of a combined 10th school year.

Get to know us.

As part of the Nidwalden Careers Information Days (bit), BWB will be opening its doors to young people and interested parties in Stans-Oberdorf on September 30. Registration will open on August 26, 2024 via berufseinblick.ch: an opportunity to find out more about apprenticeships at BWB Surface Technology.

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