
La Lune Rouge, Paris

Art in architecture can lend buildings and neighborhoods a cultural identity by creating a link to the past. This was also achieved by the Red Moon by Parisian architect Antoine Carel, which was installed this year at the Red Children's Market in Paris.

#Anodising #Art 

Ansprechperson Beitrag

Mark Wunderlin

Business Development


The market got its name from a former children’s home, whose children were uniformly dressed in red to make them easier to find. The name evokes both human dramas and the solidarity with which society overcomes its difficulties.

Photos: Pavo Marinović

The Red Moon is intended to symbolize the liveliness of the market and the Red Children's Quarter and to express this in a gentle way, even in the dark. Similar to the real moon, the Red Moon reflects the light it receives from the sun. Daylight is converted into electricity by a solar cell, stored and emitted as red light at nightfall.

In order to withstand the weather conditions for decades, the Red Moon with a diameter of 3 metres was made from solid aluminum plates and anodized red using the Sandalor process.

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